TM Research Archive

Find 6 – 10 images that resonate with you. Find out about the designer, reflect why you selected the images

Felix Berman, a Swiss typographer and graphic designer, who studied at the Schule für Gestaltung Basel and worked for the agency Gerstner, Gredinger + Kutter (GGK). I really like he has used the same text in four different ways.



Andre Gurtier is Swiss typographer and an editorial collaborator for the Typografische Monatsblätter. For over 20 years, Gurtier has designed numerous typefaces including Unica, as part of ‘Team 77’. I like his work because it reminds me of ancient Roman/Greek type.

1966_03 1966_06_07

Hans Ferdinand Egli – I like his work because it feels very gritty and textured while the typography is very clean.

1968_01 1968_03


Dora Wespi is a Swiss graphic designer who studied at the Schule für Gestaltung Luzern, later freelancing and teaching for many years in Lucerne. I like her work because it is organized in a very clean fashion.




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